Sunday, December 13, 2015

To blog.

Good Evening,

I always had full intentions to Blog about as many things, people and world views as I possibly could. The one thing I didn't plan for was life. It's funny to think that as much as I thought that I was old and even smart enough, I wasn't ready for everything. In a moment everything can go from great to absolutely horrible in a second and as much we'd like to think we are ready only the event will tell. I have had a few major set backs since I made this Blog and the funny thing is I made this Blog site because of a major life changing thing that happened to me. I thought it would be a good way to share, help and make people feel good in one way or another as well as help myself. It did start off going great I was really enjoying writing blogs, but yet again I got slapped in the face with a major situation. This time it wasn't with me personally but with my wife. Now how would that affect me so much that I couldn't sit a write a Blog for people to read well. I have a daughter that is with us as well that needs and wants a parent to help and share her life with. I fully believe in being in your child's life as much as you possibly can. Guess what happened? We then had a family member get diagnosed with Cancer. Not to long after that another major situation in my household. I am back now and am hoping to write more Blogs than ever. Happy Blogs, blogs that I and anyone who reads them can and will have a smile on their face, at least by the end. The situation is still here and may actually get worse before better but I do need something to help me which in turn will help us get through this. Talk to you soon. Thank you to all that has read anything I blogged about. Much love.

Thank you,

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